Friday, July 15, 2011

Aspiring Schmoo

So, the youngest (aka Schmoo) has decided that she wants to try out for a part in a musical. Not an easy task, even on the local level. She's tried out previously at the community playhouse for a part, to no avail. She has taken dance for five years (and she's pretty good if I do say so myself). But this is a big deal. She is trying out for a part in Annie. Yes, Annie...on Broadway no less. 
She probably won't make it. It's literally like winning the lottery. Her hopes are so high. We've talked about the likelihood of making it. She knows the odds are against her. Yet, she wants to audition. I say, "Good for her." How easy is it for us to sit back and not even try to do the things that are out of reach? Pretty easy. She probably won't even get a second look when auditioning. That's o.k. because at least she is trying.
In our society of 'fifteen minutes of fame-ers' it is hard to want to be an ordinary person. Everyone is famous. And that's the irony, right? When everyone is famous no one is. So, while Schmoo continues to wish to be famous. To wish to be on Broadway. Or, to wish to be star in Hollywood. We'll hold her up as high as we can AND be there to help her get up if she falls. That's all a parent of an aspiring star can do. 
Think of us Sunday afternoon when we're waiting, with the other 800 (let's hope for way less) aspiring stars, and wish us well. Our goal for the day is to have fun and enjoy the experience. That sounds like a good goal for every day.

1 comment:

  1. I admire a girl who goes after her dream... wishing her lots of luck!! :)
