Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New Business Idea!

So, I think I've got a great idea for a business that has nothing to do with what I deal with in my professional life. It's a money maker. Best yet, it's a needed service in the Omaha area. I am dreaming big on this one!
It started as a rash after changing shampoos. It looked like an allergic reaction, similar to what she's had before. But it didn't go away after a couple of days of treatment. Then it happened. She came out of her room. With something between her fingers. She said, "I found this in my hair." I replied, "Oh, let me see." A phrase that I may never repeat. I took a close look at what would consume my life on and off for the next two weeks and then into the next month. The four letter word that has become the bane of my existence: lice.
Yep, they are as disgusting as you might imagine. But worse than that, they will not go away! In the weeks we've been dealing with this here are the things we have purchased, my comments follow of course:
  • Nix, don't bother...oh, and we spent like $90 on treatments for the whole fam-damily
  • Vinegar, doesn't hurt, but not very helpful
  • Alcohol, rubbing but if you're dealing with this you should have vodka on hand for sanity purposes
  • A metal toothed lice/nit comb, helpful but not necessary (not gonna lie, we used a flea comb as you can cover more territory with it)
  • Rx Ovide: I'm pretty sure Moo has neurological damage from that treatment! And, kerosene would have been much cheaper and I'm fairly certain it's the same thing.
  • Huge trash bags, helpful for transporting all the laundry and keeping it separate from the 'other' laundry
  • Laundry Detergent and Dryer sheets, I don't think either has stopped running since this ordeal began
  • New pack of combs, helpful
  • Head Lice Head Light (thanks for the name Marni!)...a camping or spelunking flashlight you wear on your head: A NECESSITY!
  • Magnifying glass and cheap drugstore reading glasses...those damn lice and nits are small!
  • A 'daylight' lamp, helps in seeing the little critters
  • Vacuum Cleaner Bags, You throw them away after each use...not cheap.
  • Listerine, makes me feel better about 'doing' something...but not entirely useful. BUT, it has high alcohol content so you can drink it if you run out of vodka
  • Orange Sticks and Toothpicks, To separate the hair
  • Drawstring Trash bags for all of the kids in Moo's class to put all outerwear in at their 'hooks'
  • Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser, MY SALVATION! Cetaphil for Head Lice
My point. We've spent a TON of money on all this crap. Not to mention the time involved in cleaning the house, doing laundry, nit picking (another term I won't use lightly again), vacuuming furniture, doing laundry, picking live bugs out of hair, nit picking. Did I mention doing laundry?
I would have gladly paid someone else to come in and do all this stuff. That's my business idea. I want to call it De-Louse Your House. Our business would come in and do all the aforementioned and deal with the hassle. I'm guessing we could do it for about the same cost as buying all the crap listed above, not to mention NOT having to deal with ALL of the above.
You can hate me for sharing. You can judge me. You can judge us. It is what it is. You won't understand unless...until you have to deal with it. And I would not wish that on anyone.
And if this doesn't stop going around school I may need donations of vodka to get me through. I prefer Grey Goose, Stoli Blueberry and Vanilla are equally well liked.
Don't be a nitwit! Check your kids for lice if they're itching!